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Manifesting His Glory - Apostle Emmanuel A. Quaye

Writer's picture: Daniel Kwakye NomahDaniel Kwakye Nomah

In the June edition of the monthly mega vigil, Apostle Emmanuel Quaye, the National Head of the church, delivered an inspiring message titled "Manifesting His Glory" based on John 2:11, which speaks of Jesus' first miracle and the revelation of His glory.

The previous month's theme focused on empowerment by the Spirit for maximum impact, and Apostle Quaye reminded the congregation of this vital aspect. He emphasized that despite being ordinary humans, we carry extraordinary treasures within us, gifts deposited by God Himself. These gifts, including righteousness and healing power, are not exclusive to ministers or apostles but are accessible to all who have accepted Christ.

Drawing inspiration from the experiences of Apostle Paul, who triumphed over countless trials and adversities through God's power, Apostle Quaye urged the congregation to follow Paul's example. He encouraged them to overcome threats and negative words spoken against them, reminding them of the power within them to script their own stories of victory.

These treasures bestowed upon us by God serve a dual purpose: to manifest His love and empower us to bless others. As we embrace this power, we experience growth, vitality, and strength in our lives.

Apostle Quaye further highlighted the significance of manifesting God's glory. He explained that when we carry this glory within us and allow it to shine forth, we become remarkable and outstanding in the eyes of the world. He challenged the congregation to reject mediocrity and strive for excellence, citing Romans 16:7 as an example of outstanding individuals who stood out among the apostles.

God desires for us to break free from limitations and elevate ourselves from obscurity to prominence. The seed planted within us will sprout, causing us to stand out and radiate brightly. This outstanding nature is possible because the Spirit of God, which resided in Jesus Christ, resides within us. Just as Jesus manifested His glory through miraculous acts, Apostle Quaye prophesied that we too can manifest God's glory in every situation we face. Our difficulties will be overcome, and even those who once opposed us will recognize and favor us.

Citing biblical examples of Joseph, Daniel, David, and Peter, Apostle Quaye emphasized the power within each individual. Despite their challenges, they achieved remarkable feats by recognizing and utilizing the power they carried. Likewise, we are urged to recognize the power within us to bring about transformation in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Apostle Quaye encouraged the congregation to rise and shine, becoming beacons of light in dark situations. Quoting Isaiah 61:3, he reassured those facing hopelessness and adversity that God is present to transform their circumstances. He further highlighted that the manifestation of God's glory is not reserved for a select few, but is available to everyone.

In conclusion, Apostle Emmanuel Quaye urged the congregation to embrace and understand the power they carry within them. By manifesting God's glory, they can achieve remarkable things and make a positive impact on the world around them. It is a call to rise above mediocrity, transform circumstances, and become shining examples of God's love and power.

Remember there is nothing powerful than the GLORY OF GOD, therefore go and manifest His Glory.


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