The theme for Vision 2028 is “Possessing the Nations: Unleashing the Whole Church for the Transformation of their World with the Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God”. This Vision is a direct follow-up on the Vision 2023 agenda, which spanned 2018-2023.
In the context of the theme, the term "unleashing" means getting members out of the fortress of the Church into their spheres of influence and transforming them.
The word “transformation” is also used here to describe the conversion of souls and the conversion of society through the Gospel. The Possessing the Nations agenda is strictly in line with the Mission Statement of The Church of Pentecost: “We exist to establish responsible and self-sustaining churches filled with committed, Spirit-filled Christians of character who will impact their communities”. The Church, as the body of Christ, is an elected group with a unique mandate to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
The mandate is given to the Church as a corporate entity and not individual members. It must, however, be emphasised that the Church comprises individual members who collectively form this corporate entity. Thus, the “whole” is mandated to embark on the Church’s mission to the world. In other words, in approaching its mission, the Church should think corporately as a community and mobilise all its resources, including the clergy, laity and children. Believers are not to see themselves as individuals only but as essential members of a body, which is the Church. While Vision 2023 (phase 1 of the Possessing the Nations agenda) focused on equipping our members, Vision 2028 (phase 2) would focus on unleashing these equipped members into the world as agents of transformation.
The ultimate goal is to fulfil the Great Commission by reaching individuals from all walks of life and elevating the values and principles of the Kingdom of God in every sphere of society. In the church unleashed, an individual’s primary ministry may be within one of many traditional church programmes or in-house activities. However, there is an equal chance that his/her ministry may also be in prisons or working in a hospital. In either case, the norm is people-centred ministry. The church unleashed is not unconcerned with what goes on within its church building. The local church will continue to serve as an equipping and nurturing centre where Christlike disciples will be raised for the unleashing agenda.
This strategy document presents the details of what we seek to achieve through Vision 2028, with a detailed outline of implementation strategies spelt out under carefully selected thematic areas. Each of the thirty-one (31) thematic areas designated for this Vision has specific strategic objectives to guide the implementation strategies.
The Vision 2028 agenda recognises that The Church of Pentecost is a global church that operates in 150 nations as of December 2022. While this strategy document serves as a guide for the Church's activities over the next five years, it is impractical to include specific interventions that are relevant and appropriate for every context. Therefore, it is essential to note that some planned interventions may be more applicable to the mother church in Ghana than in other nations. However, our external branches should be guided by the spirit of the Vision and develop specific interventions within their contexts that align with the Church's goal of unleashing the whole church to transform their world with the values and principles of the Kingdom.